Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Definition of Design

KatHare Definition of Design 

"Design is a creative force that explores, connects and produces possibilities."

I think my entire adult life has been about defining what design and creativity are to me because it defines me.

It really started when I began to search for my life vision.  Slowly, through 2 life coaches, and a series of exercises and sessions, I realized what that own life vision is: "I am  a creative force that explores, connects and produces possibilities."  And how do you use this?  

You use this in your daily life and your core being that transforms it into your "skill set" - the stuff you are good at and love to do.

And, as I thought about it more,  and listened to others,  and to my fellow classmates last week,  - I realized my life vision IS  what design is to me as well.  It's the process for my god given skills to emanate from me - my ability to explore and create POSSIBILITIES!!!

So, to me,  design is endless possibilities in every thing and every where.

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